Keep going!

Keep going comic

Keep going! Creativity is like an adventure. It’s not a fast race, but a steady walk toward something amazing. So here’s the deal: with every brushstroke, keystroke, or musical note, you’re not just creating art; you’re creating your own story of growth and improvement.

Sure, there are days when the creative juices seem to be on vacation and doubt tries to sneak in. But let me tell you something important – don’t give up. Remember why you began this journey. Each stroke is like a mini-victory, a little lesson that makes you better and brighter.

Your creative journey is not just about what you put on paper or canvas. It’s about becoming the great artist you want to be. Think of each stroke as a small but powerful step toward mastering your craft. Don’t worry about perfection; mistakes are your friends. They’re the secret sauce that adds flavor to your creative recipe.

Look back at where you started. See the progress? Keep going! You’re not just an artist: you’re a magician who works miracles with every creative endeavor. Remember, even the pros weren’t born pros-they worked hard, learned, and kept going.

Never stop, because your potential is limitless. You’re not defined by the challenges you face. You’re defined by your ability to overcome them in your own creative journey. Embrace the bumps, celebrate the victories, and enjoy the whole creative process.

Your journey is unique, and the world needs your creative voice. Each stroke adds a chapter to your life’s masterpiece. So embrace the process, don’t fear imperfection, and keep going. Your creativity knows no bounds, and with each stroke, you’re creating something extraordinary. Remember, the journey may be long, but the joy of creating is endless.

Keep going and let your creativity flow!

What is Your Why?

Creative Work Problems What is Your Why?

When it comes to being creative, there’s one big question we should all be thinking about: “What is your why?”. This idea is explored in the book “Start with Why“, which is about leadership and inspiration. For creative people, this question is like a key to understanding why we do what we do. The book suggests that exploring the deeper reasons behind our creative work helps us be more authentic, connect better with our audiences, and provide a reason for motivation.

The book encourages creative people to look beyond just making things and consider why they make them. Ask yourself about your feelings and big ideas behind your creative projects. It’s not just about the final product! It’s about the values and messages you want to share with the world through your art.

“Start with Why” says that when our creative work has a clear and authentic purpose, it becomes more inspiring, both for us and for the people who see or experience it. The book challenges creatives to shift their focus from what they create and how they create it to why they create it. By understanding and embracing our “why,” we can make our creative work more meaningful, passionate, and impactful. It’s like finding the heart and soul of our creativity.

So remember this every time you are not inspired or motivated to do something. Your Why will be the reason you will do the things you love!

Physical Reminder

To change yourself for the better, you have to keep reminding yourself of the change you want with a physical reminder. Too often, goals and intentions get lost in everyday life. How to achieve these goals or overcome the obstacles along the way is also quickly forgotten. Therefore, it is important to remember these helping things with physical aids. For this, I have created stickers you can buy in my shop!

Link to my shop:

If you don’t have the money, you can simply download the images, print them out and stick them somewhere yourself. The files to download them are down below.

Here are the files you can use, to print them out yourself for an accessible alternative to these physical reminder stickers:

Download the digital stickers and print them on a paper of your choice. Near your workplace where you are creative (or not), you can hang these physical reminders with a pin or tape and be reminded of what you want to do every day.

If you have more ideas for additional stickers, contact me via the feedback form or email. I would be happy to make more of these stickers if there is interest! Also, I would be happy about constructive criticism, if you have tried these stickers or the download variant.

Best of my productivity-themed Inktober

In 2019 I did my Inktober on Instagram about the topic of productivity. A lot of the tips I gave with those posts are helpful for artists and designers as well. Therefore I decided to post a best-of here too. I hope they can help you!

Don't wait till you can do it Illustration
Don’t put something off because you can’t do it. The “can-do” comes after you work on it for some time! Just start what you want to do and the ability to do it successfully comes with it.
Prevent the cycle of fear Illustration
The cycle of fear is “not doing enough => lack of results => fear” repeating. If you are not doing enough there is no result or progress. With no progress comes fear. Fear prevents you from doing work, therefore you lack results again. It is a loop you will have trouble breaking out again. Remember this and work against this cycle if it starts to happen.
write about it Illustration
It helps if you start writing about the problems you have. Keep a little journal or write directly into your sketchbook. If you begin to struggle start writing about what you think right now and how you feel. Do it for like 10 minutes. After that, it will be much easier for you, or you even found the solution to your problem while writing.
Have lazy days illustration
You are not a machine, you need to recharge sometimes, so plan lazy days when you do nothing. The key is not to make those days the norm. Plan them carefully. The best times are after you finish a project or start a new one. Or just in between when you are stuck.
Don't be perfect Illustration
Over the years I realized that I have more fun doing imperfect drawings. If I would try to do this Inktober flawless I probably wouldn’t finish it. Or I would be stressed as crazy about the whole challenge. So be imperfect and enjoy the ride. You will do more and have more fun!
Breaks are important Illustration
Take your breaks! You can work much more if you do them. Don’t see them as a waste of time because that’s not true. It is a part of your working day as long as you don’t take 15 min breaks every 10 minutes.